Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vices of My Blood

Author Maureen Jennings is very good at describing life in Toronto in the late 19th Century, both for the destitute, poor, and those well off in Detective Murdoch series.

Reverend Charles Howard has been found murdered in the office of his church by one of his parishoners.  His watch and boots are missing.  Is it a simple murder by some misbegotten soul who is so poor that he has stooped to killing the reverend to get the boots?

Murdoch's investigation will take him to the poor houses and workhouse of Toronto where he will meet tramps, plungers and prostitutes.  During the investigation four more people die, asphyxiated by carbon monoxide.  These three had connections to the poor reverend; could they somehow be connected to his murder?  Murdoch now has five deaths to investigate; where will it take him?

This is a book I am sure that you will enjoy reading as did I.

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