Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shroud of Dishonour

A prostitute has been lured to her death.  Not an event of major consequence in 13th century Lincoln, except that it occurred within the confines of the Templar chapel!  Bascot de Marins is asked to investigate by the preceptor.

It isn't long after this that another prostitute is murdered, this time in her own home.  The method of murder is the same; strangulation by a garotte.  The interesting thing about both murders is that 30 silver pennies are found with the bodies.  Only with the latter body is a Templar cross cut into the woman's breast.

Is someone out to tarnish the reputation of the Templar Knights who take an oath of poverty and chastity?  de Marins needs to discover the murderer before the contingent of knights can leave for Portugal to fight the Moors there. 

Another murder attempt is made on a former prostitute, but she manages to escape and in the process stabs the suspect in the leg twice.  Unfortunately she didn't see who the attacker was.  However, de Marins now has someone to look for.  Unfortunately the suspects that he and others have in mind don't have a limp!  What is he to do?

You can find out the conclusion of this book by Maureen Ash by picking it up and reading it!

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