Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Plague of Poison

Maureen Ash continues the work of Bascot de Marins in her third book of the "Alehouse Murders" series.

A young man dies as the result of poison intended for Nicolaa de Haye, castellan of Lincoln.  Nicolaa didn't eat the cake intended for her because she had a sore throat.  Unfortunately her maid passed the cake on to the victim, who was her intended.  De Marins is asked to investigate.

A short time later three people in the town of Lincoln die from poison, which once again was intended for someone else.  Honey is the source of the poison in both cases and comes from only one apiary.  It doesn't take long for another victim to die as a result, this time at the priory.

The son-in-law of the apiarist is arrested and found guilty because of circumstantial evidence.  De Marins has his doubts about the guilt of the man.  He continues to investigate, and a vicious murder helps to prove his ideas, but now he must find the real culprit.

Another historical novel I am sure that fans of historical murder mysteries will enjoy.

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