Friday, January 22, 2016

Blood of the South

Lassair is in Cambridge when a brouhaha breaks out at the quayside.  She is called upon to help a lady and her infant.  There seems to be a mystery surrounding the pair.  She claims to have kin in The Fens.

Later that day evening, Lassair's two mentors, Gurdyman and Hrype, start to teach her how to use a glass ball in a vision quest.  The following day Lassair is asked to look at the child because the wet nurse feels that it is sad.  Together with Jack Chevestrier, the sheriff's deputy, the decision is made to take the lady and her child to Lassair's village.

Meanwhile, Lassair's part-time lover, Rollo, is busy on an errand for King William Rufus in Constantinople.

When a storm surge hits The Fens, Lassair and Jack are tasked with finding out the identity of a woman who died during the storm.  Lassair has a few visions during the search, but are they relevant?  Will the stone reveal the identity of the dead woman?

Author Alys Clare spins a good tale full of mystery and folk lore.  A good, quick read.

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