Saturday, January 16, 2016


Robert Bruce escaped to Ireland following the Battle of Falkirk. King Edward of England now has the Sword of Mercy, the Crown of Arthur, plus the Stone of Destiny, and all that he needs is the gem encrusted Crosier of Jesus also known as the Staff of St. Malachy to have complete control of Britain.  Robert intends that Edward shall never have the last.  Unfortunately Bruce falls hostage to the Earl of Ulster.

After several weeks in captivity, Bruce manages to escape with an unlikely companion; Ulster's youngest sixteen year old daughter, Elizabeth.  His dash for freedom doesn't last long as the pair are soon captured.  Reluctantly, Bruce agrees to submit to Edward.  Meanwhile the Comyns fight on in Scotland.  In London Edward announces that Bruce will marry Elizabeth.

Having submitted to Edward, Bruce must now fight his own people.  At the end of the fighting season, he is appointed Sheriff of Ayr and Lanark.  His task now, is to bring in William Wallace.  Unfortunately the Scots are unable to maintain the fight against Edward and submit in 1304; all that is except Wallace.

What does the future hold for Scotland now?  What role will Robert the Bruce have in it?  Will Edward's stranglehold lessen now that he has to return to London to look after things there?  Author Robyn Young has told a compelling tale of the history of Britain during these troubled times, leaving the fan of historical fiction looking forward to the third book in this trilogy.  Well researched and well presented.

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