Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Devil's Cave

Bruno Courreges, Chief of Police in St. Denis, has received a phone call about a boat drifting in the river with a naked female body in it.  When the boat is retrieved with the body, also found are black candles and a pentagram daubed on the body.  A search of the river turns up a few places where the woman's boat could have been launched from.  Later Bruno learns that the woman had been a regular cocaine user, and had been involved on an orgy prior to her death.

A few days later, in a tourist attraction known as The Devil's Cave, a break-in has occurred.  Someone has painted the Madonna and the candles in the chapel black. Evidence in the cave gives Bruno an idea about who was behind this particular incident.

At the same time, Bruno is investigating a proposed development that could be coins to the area of St. Denis.  Apparently another small town had been given w similar opportunity and ended up badly in debt, and the development turned out to be much less than proposed.  Isabelle, Bruno's part-time girlfriend and an inspector with the French police is able to dig up some information on the prime movers and shakers in the development scheme.

As Bruno's investigation progresses, so does the excitement in this novel by Martin Walker.  Local intrigue extending to international plots add to the action.  It is an excellent read, and I am looking forward to the sequel.

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