Monday, January 25, 2016

The King's Hounds

Halfdan, a dispossessed Saxon is in the right spot at the right time to save Winston from robbers.  Winston is an illuminator on his way to Oxford to paint a picture of Cnut for his first wife, Aelfgifu.  They team up, agreeing that Halfdan would work for Winston for food and four pennies per month.  Upon reaching Oxford, they find an inn in which to live.

The pair are surprised when the owner of the tavern, Alfilda, tells them that Cnut has called a witan to meet in Oxford.  When the pair go to meet Aelfgifu, they rather end up meeting Cnut.  While talking with Cnut, a noblewoman bursts into the room accusing Cnut of murdering her husband.  Cnut tasks the pair with investigating the murder.

As Winston and Halfdan begin their investigation they come up with several different potential suspects.  Later as Halfdan does some investigation of his own, he is attacked and has to kill his attacker.  Why was he attacked?

Halfdan discovers the victim's sister and learns that she is now without the income that he had provided her.  That brings into question the possible motives of the victim's wife and brother.  Then the body of the first victim's bodyguard is found with his throat slashed.

Danger ensues for the two investigators as they pursue their objective, not just from people who might want them to stay quiet, but also the king's wrath because they are unable to solve the murder.

Author Martin Jensen has written an intriguing, fast paced murder mystery set in long ago England.  A good, enjoyable, quick read.

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