Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Lady Judge

Mara is the Brehon for the Burren in Ireland.  It is her responsibility to judge cases brought before her.  Some cases are tougher than others.  She is surprised on judgment day, when a marriage proposal is presented by a father for ratification by the king, which involves her young assistant, Colman, and a girl who is also completely caught by surprise.  Her assistant had drawn up a completely legal agreement without Mara knowing.

Another surprise awaits Mara that evening of Bealtaine, when she receives a marriage proposal from the king, Turlough Donn.  The day after she is informed that Colman has been blackmailing someone.  Two days after Bealtaine, Colman's body is discovered with the knife of one of her young students stuck in it.  Who is responsible and why?

As Mara continues her investigation, she realises that the clans will stick together to protect whoever the killer might be.  Mara's students help her with her investigation.  However, there turn out to be numerous people who wanted Colman dead because he was blackmailing them.

Author Cora Harrison provides several suspects before a surprising conclusion.  As I started to read this mystery I wasn't sure what I was getting into, however as the pages turned I found myself enjoying it more and more.  I will check out the sequel.

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