Thursday, January 21, 2016


Abbot William of Malmesbury has gone into northern England in search of Prince Edgar so that he might record the man's story.  He is met and guided by Owain Rheged who seems to have an interesting story, too.

Edgar's story starts with the fall of England to William.  Edgar has been forced to retreat to the safety of Scotland under the care of Malcolm.  It isn't long before William threatens Scotland.  Malcolm is forced to accept Hadrian's Wall as the border between the two countries.  Edgar puts himself in the hands of William and goes to Normandy where he meets William's son, Robert.  He and Robert become good friends.  Later Robert humiliates William in battle, and becomes the new Duke of Normandy.

Having helped Robert secure his good standing, Edgar and his brothers in arms, Edwin, Sweyn, and Adela head to Italy.  They enjoy their time in Italy, however Sweyn falls in love with a Muslim girl.  They elope, angering her father.  He sends assassins to kill her.  Sweyn demands retribution.  When the group returns to Normandy, they find William in poor health.  With his death, things change in the area.

William Rufus is now King of England.  Malcolm tries to take advantage of this and raids into northern England.  William sets up an ambush where Malcolm and his son Edward are killed.  Back in Normandy, William's brother, Robert prepares to go on crusade to the Holy Land.  To finance it he sells a portion of his dukedom to William.

In Constantinople Edgar's small group meet Hereward, long thought to be dead.  It is a joyous reunion before moving on to Jerusalem.  The trek to Jerusalem will be filled with despair, shame, death and surprise, as will their return to Europe.

Author Stewart Binns has told a great story of the time of the first crusade; the harshness of life and the brutal of war.  An immensely good read for fans of historical fiction.

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