Saturday, July 25, 2020


Coroner John Cranston has once again gathered up his secretary, Athelstan, saying something about two murders and a bloodstone.  Other than that he has been vague on details.

The first man they examine has been poisoned, Athelstan is sure.  But how?  He was locked in his own room.  Also, the mysterious bloodstone is missing from its locked casket.

The second dead man that they go to investigate was decapitated while visiting the grave of a friend at an abbey.  However, upon arrival at the abbey they discover that another man has been killed by a sword thrust to the belly.  He had been a comrade of the previous victim.  The dead men had brought the bloodstone back from the war with France.  What is the connection between their deaths and the bloodstone?  And what about the four remaining comrades who had participated in bringing the bloodstone to England?

The Regent, John of Gaunt, orders Cranston back to the city, while Athelstan is told to stay at the abbey.  Sometime later, an attempt is made on his life.  Is he getting too close to the answers?  Meanwhile, Cranston is doing his own investigation amongst the stews and prisons of London.

Do more men have to die before Athelstan finds the killer?  Only author Paul Doherty has the answers.  Read on fair reader, read on.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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