Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Case of the Black Pearl

A young, beautiful woman has come to Patrick de Courvoisier whose sister was a star in a film entitled “The Black Pearl”.  Now she and the pearl have disappeared.  If she has stolen it, then the Russian backer is likely to kill her.

Shortly after his investigation started, Patrick met with a young woman on board his yacht.  Later that night when he returned to the vessel, he found a dead rabbit on his table.  This was definitely a gesture of bad luck directed at him.  The following morning, the woman who had engaged Patrick to search for her sister discharged him.  She said that she had heard from her.  However, Patrick is reluctant to give up the search.

Patrick is surprised to find the local top cop, Lieutenant Martin Moreaux, in attendance aboard the yacht of the Russian entrepreneur at a party for local dignitaries.
Later, returning to his yacht, he finds the body of a young woman floating in his overflowing bathtub.  Moments later the police arrive.  He quickly slips over the side.

Later he does find the missing woman and strikes a deal with her.  He also promises to revenge the death of the young woman.

And author Lin Anderson has him exact that revenge, but at what cost?  The remaining pages of this action thriller are full of tension.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.  I look forward to reading the sequels.

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