Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Now You See Them

Diablo is dead and many of his old friends have gathered for his funeral.  Edgar Stephens is now a superintendent of police in Brighton.  While at the wake, a call comes through to inform him of a missing sixteen year old girl.  The father is an important MP, and is kicking up a fuss.  The girl had attended Roedean School, which was a very prominent boarding school in the area.

The father has been informed by the school  that the girl had been mooning over a movie star, and had gone to London to see him.  However, he is sure that she has been lured away.  Apparently this has happened in the past.

Meanwhile, Sam Collins, a local reporter has come to visit Emma Stephens, former DS and now wife to Edgar.  Sam suggests that the missing girl is similar to two others who have gone missing.  Knowing Roedean School, Emma suggests to Edgar that the girl could have left through a not so secret tunnel down to the sea.  At the bottom of the tunnel WPC Connolly discovers the girl’s hat.

A short time later a body of a young woman is found near the cliffs.  It turns out to be one of the missing girls.  However, there is a link to the missing Roedean girl.  Will the other two girls turn up dead too?

Author Elly Griffiths’ novel becomes very tense as she draws the reader in.  For Edgar and Emma, the story will become very real and personal.  A very good read and hard to put down.

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