Thursday, July 23, 2020

The House of Shadows

Athelstan is having a council meeting in his church when the doors bang open and a man runs in claiming sanctuary.  He is quickly followed by The Judas Man, who claims to arrest him.  However, Athelstan stands his ground and orders The Judas Man out.  The Judas Man states that sanctuary only lasts for forty days, and he will arrest the man then.

The man being chased is known as the Misericord.  Athelstan quickly learns the truth about this fugitive.  As he is speaking with him, Coroner John Cranston comes barging into the church.  He accuses Misericord of killing a man the previous evening.  He also tells Athelstan that two young women were also killed at the same place the previous evening.

Back at the tavern where the three deaths had occurred, a knight is found dead in his bath.  Athelstan is sure that he has been poisoned.  The question is, how did the poisoner administer the poison?

Are there going to be more deaths?  Author Paul Doherty’s thriller dies have more deaths for Athelstan and Cranston to solve. They also solve a twenty year old robbery, and come up with some real surprises.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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