Saturday, July 4, 2020

One Corpse Too Many

A boy has been foisted upon Cadfael at the abbey in Shrewsbury.  However, it doesn’t take long for Cadfael to determine that the boy is actually a girl.  He plans to ensure that she is safe, especially with the civil war raging in the area.

Once Cadfael let’s the girl, now known as Goodrich, know he knows, he provides her a safe place to be.  She then identifies herself as Godith, and the situation she is in.  Meanwhile King Stephen is battering his way into the local castle.  One of his objectives is to find the girl.  Her betrothed has also sought sanctuary at the abbey.  Could he have possibly recognised her? 

Having captured the castle, Stephen orders the garrison executed by hanging on the castle walls.  The following day the abbot asks that Cadfael be given permission to bury the dead.  Having been told that there are ninety-four dead, he finds one extra body.  He is sure that the extra one was victim of a murder.

Godith is able to identify the murder victim, but not why he would have been there.  Cadfael promises justice for the victim.  Not  long after this, Godith discovers a wounded man hiding by the river.  She takes Cadfael to him.  They learn that he is the compatriot of the murder victim.  The following day, by accident, the man discovers the truth about Godith.  He hopes to take her to safety.  How will that be possible?

Cadfael is being watched surreptitiously by a man he does not trust, so he goes out of his way to ensure that the man is kept well away from Godith and the wounded man.  Can he keep the pair safe?

Author Ellis Peters’ second mystery in the Cadfael series has a few twists to the plot and plenty of intrigue on the part of Cadfael and his opponent.  Which one will end up victorious?  A surprise awaits the reader!  A good, quick read.

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