Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Monk’s Hood

Things at the convent in Shrewsbury are in a state of flux because Abbot Heribert has been called to a council in Westminster.  He is unsure if he will still be abbot when the council is done or if someone else will be appointed in his place.

Before the abbot left, a man had given up his lands to the convent in return for a house near the convent for himself, his wife and two servants.  The convent was also to provide meals to the household.  One day, after eating a meal prepared especially for the man in hopes it would help him recover his health, he suffered from something that restricted his throat.  Cadfael hurries there with what he hopes will be the antidote.

Upon arrival, he discovers that the lady of the house is the woman he had been in love with when he was seventeen.  She is as beautiful as ever.  Unfortunately, he had gone off on a crusade, and she had married another man.  Although he recognised her, she didn’t recognise him.  The man dies, and Cadfael tells everyone that he had been poisoned.

Prior Robert is concerned about the land agreement that might now be in abeyance.  He wonders how Cadfael knows it was poison, and Cadfael states that he knows his own medicines. 

The sergeant sent to investigate the murder quickly latches on to the fact that there had been another person at the meal; the son of the woman.  Richildis has been married before and had a son and daughter, which she brought into the new marriage.  The lad had argued with the victim and then abruptly departed.

Richildis asks Cadfael to help her son.  He learns a bit about each member of the household from her.  He also promises to help her son.  How can he prove the lad’s innocence and find the guilty person?  Is it possible that the poison was actually meant for Prior Robert?

Fortunately, it is the deputy sheriff, Hugh Beringer, a friend of Cadfael’s, that He has to deal with.  Although Cadfael is restricted to the confines of the abbey by Prior Robert, he has Brother Mark to help him gather evidence.  But, will the evidence point to the real killer?

Author Paul Doherty has Cadfael travel to Wales, where he will use his evidence to confront the real killer.  Doherty has a surprising conclusion to this story.  A good quick read.

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