Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Calling

What person would tie up and gag a young woman and then leave her in a remote place to die from exposure to the elements?

This is the latest case put before the Cambridge police when a young woman is discovered to be missing.  DC Kincaide seems to have the case all wrapped up after he charges her uncle with the murder.  An anonymous phone call suggests looking at someone else and DC Gary Goodhew can't let that information go. 

As Goodhew is putting together his case, author Alison Bruce introduces us to the the potential culprit and the issues that he has in his relationships with women.  They are rough and dangerous for the women, but none of them has become a murder victim.

It is only when Goodhew finally meets the anonymous caller that he is able to piece together the connections between the culprit and his victims.  Two near tragedies draw the story to its ultimate, fast paced climax.

A great read by author Alison Bruce.

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