Thursday, April 26, 2012

Trick of the Light

Letters from the past, a murdered Confederate soldier in Leith, seances, brothels at war, Arthur Conan Doyle and monsters in the night are all in the mix in this Inspector McLevy mystery.

Madame Jean Brash has a new competitor in the brothel business, known as The Countess.  Two of her magpies have flitted over to Jean.  The Countess will not countenance this and a fierce rivalry ensues that will lead to violence and death.

A robbery at the friend of Doyle's mother result in the introduction of Doyle to Inspector McLevy.  Doyle is a fan of 'deduction' and requests to tag along during the investigation.

When a businessman is found murdered, Doyle is able to tell McLevy that the victim had caused the medium, Sophia Adler, to scream and faint during a seance.  Another murder puts Jean right in the mix as the main culprit. 

It is up to Inspector McLevy to either tie all of these leads together or rather unravel the whole mess.  Author David Ashton does a fine job of leading the reader on a merry chase.

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