Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Emperor's Assassin

England, the summer of 1815, Napoleon has been captured and is on a ship in Plymouth Sound.  Hopefully peace will reign.

Unfortunately for Henry Morton, a Bow Street Runner, that is not to be the case, for the body of a young woman has been found.  The coroner determines it is murder.  With the help of his actress friend, Arabella Malibrant, Morton is able to determine that she is French.  She is also the mistress of a French count.  The count is Louis XVIII's ambassador to England.  A few days later the count is also brutally slain.  Are the deaths the work of French royalists or Bonapartists? 

Spies are spying upon spies and reporting back to their masters in France.  One group wants to ensure that a king remains on the throne of France while the other wants a Corsican to have a safe retirement in the country that was once her enemy, for English law could not prosecute Napoleon once he was on English soil.  England is caught in the middle.  Treachery, murder and mayhem ensue.

This is the first book of T. F. Banks I have read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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