Friday, April 20, 2012

The Dead Hand of History

Monika Paniatowski has just been appointed Detective Chief Inspector of Whitebridge.  She has earned her way up through the ranks, and on her first day she is presented with a gruesome case.  A woman's hand has been discovered in town.  Her team is in place, but one member, Sergeant Walker doesn't really want to help make it easy.  It is 1973 and women just aren't promoted to such positions.

It isn't long before a man's severed hand is presented to the police.  It had been discovered by a reporter who was provided with an anonymous note.  This reporter also doesn't have much use for women being in positions of authority and before long he writes a news article condemning DCI Paniatowski for not making an arrest because the prime suspect is also of Polish background.  This makes the DCI's work that much more difficult as she is now under pressure from her Chief Constable.

Author Sally Spenser has written a very good thriller here, full of clues, none of which point to the real villain in the story until Paniatowski pulls all them together in the final chapters of the book.  A very good read.

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