Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cambridge Blue

It takes some time for the author, Alison Bruce to set the scene and develop the characters in "Cambridge Blue".  A young woman is out walking her dog, off leash, when she is attacked by a man with a knife.  In the ensuing struggle, she manages to slip the dog's choke chain over his head and strangle him.  She then tumbles the body into the Cam.

Later, another young woman is asphyxiated in Cambridge by someone she knows, and the reader is left wondering, who is David?

DI Marks and his two DCs Goodhew and Kincaide set out to solve the latter murder.  When a former schoolmate of Goodhew's points out that he and his friend knew the victim it would appear that the two murders are tied together, but how?

As the reader nears the climax of this novel, Bruce spins and twists the theories of DC Goodhew so much you wonder if you are being led down the garden path.  The climax is both surprising and good.

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