Thursday, April 5, 2012

From the Dead

DI Tom Thorne's life is just about to get very busy when a private detective presents him with evidence that a murdered man is still alive.  Anna Carpenter has been investigating the death of this man on behalf of his wife, who has received photos in the mail showing him well and alive.  Anna realises that she is in over her head, so goes to Thorne with the evidence.

Thorne is forced to allow Anna to accompany him on his investigations by his superiors.  Shortly after interviewing the man, in prison, found responsible for the murder of Alan Longford he in turn is murdered by a fellow convict.  It isn't long after that that the prison guard who had been there at the time of the prisoner's death is in turn killed.

Through further investigation and cooperation with the Spanish police, Alan Longford is found to be in Spain.  How will Thorne be able to bring him back to England to face justice for the string of murders he is accused of?

Mark Billingham's thriller "From the Dead" is an excellent read.  Face paced and hard to put down.

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