Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Counterfeit Madam

Pat McIntosh's Gil Cunningham has a couple of mysteries placed on his plate in this novel and somehow both seem to be tied to each other.  With the help of his wife Alys, Gil is able to solve the mysteries.

Recently counterfeit silver pennies have appeared in the Glasgow area.  Obviously this does not make the merchants happy.  Gil wants to investigate, but has been put off it by his Archbishop.

He, his wife and father-in-law for some time now, have been looking after an orphaned boy.  John Semphill had offered to make him his heir, but now his wife's godmother has offered up some land and tenancies if the lad is no longer Semphill's heir.  The hope is that Semphill's wife will provide him with an heir.  Gil needs to investigate the properties to check the value first.  While doing so, he is hit over the head and tossed in a burn.  Fortunately for him, a woman in a nearby bawdy house saw it happen, and he is taken there to recover.  A short time after that the godmother is killed.  Are the two events tied together?  How will Gil and Alys solve these mysteries?  Read on!

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