Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fall from Grace

A warehouse on the quay has been burned.  Within the remains of the building is found a body, and under the body an oil lamp.  Arson!  Inspector McLevy and Constable Mulholland are investigating.  As the investigation proceeds, author David Ashton provides the reader with flashbacks to another case that McLevy had been investigating; the collapse of the railway bridge over the Tay.

Proof is provided that the owner of the building might be involved in the arson, but Mulholland strikes out on his own to confront the suspect.  The suspect is a competitor for Mulholland's love, so his jealousy plays a part and as a result the suspect and his confederate flee.

How will McLevy rectify the situation and bring the culprits to justice?  A rollicking tale of Edinburgh and its environs in the 1880s.  Enjoy!

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