Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Plague of Poison

Bascot de Marins has been asked by Lady Nicolaa to sort out the matter of two sudden deaths.  Both men appear to have eaten tainted food, or were their deaths caused by some pestilence?  It is quickly determined that the intended victim was Nicolaa!  Is the cook guilty of attempting to poison her?

The following morning de Marins is called into the town where three people have died from the same poison; honey from the same apiary.  The people of Lincoln begin to express their fear and distrust of their fellow citizens.  Some decide that it would be best to leave.

When another death occurs, it seems like the only culprit can be the potter who made the pots in which the poisoned honey was kept.  Arrested and brought to trial, the evidence presented can only lead to one conclusion and that is a verdict of guilty.

The same day of the trial, another man is brutally murdered.  Gianni, de Marins' adopted son, suggests that the killer could also be the poisoner.  As he investigates further, de Marin is inclined to agree.  It seems that someone has possibly returned to Lincoln bent on revenge.  He now needs to find the necessary evidence to prove his theory.

Can de Marins gather the evidence needed out the killer before he strikes again?  Author Maureen Ash’s novel comes to a quick conclusion as de Marins and Lady Nicolaa set their plans into action.  A good, quick read.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Battle for Rome

Aurelius Castus has been tasked with delivering a message from Emperor Constantine to Emperor Licinius.  Will he survive the ambush set up by the Burgundians?  By fortune he does, and as a result he is appointed tribune of the Second Britiannica Legion.  It will be a big task preparing the legion for the upcoming battles.

Constantine has decided to march on Italy and consolidate his hold as emperor.  Some battles are easier than others, and men die.  In one battle, Castus leads the breaking of a seige, and in another he is badly wounded in the face.  It was after the last battle that he is informed by a friend that his wife has been having an affair.

South of Verona, an army is massing to repel Constantine and raise his seige on that city.  It is following this battle that Castus loses his command.  He had once again saved Constantine during battle, but this time he had had to carry the emperor from the battle, and one doesn’t lay hands on the emperor!

Castus is next tasked with travelling to Rome as a spy by his old nemesis, Julius Nigrinus.  Is it safe for them to travel behind enemy lines?  Author Ian Ross has an exciting conclusion to this historical novel.  The story is based on historical facts, and is full of fast paced action.  A thoroughly enjoyable read for fans of historical fiction.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Reckoning

Hawkwood is back in London and in need of help, so he turns to his old friend, Nathaniel Jago.  A body has been found in a newly prepared grave.  It is not the body that was supposed to be buried there.  It is that of a young woman.  The pathologist, Dr. Quill, shows Hawkwood a distinctive tattoo on the body, which may help to identify her.  Later he shows Hawkwood a word that had been carved into her stomach.

In need of further help, Hawkwood turns to Dr. Robert Locke at Bedlam.  Locke assures him that the killer has likely struck in the past and is sure to strike again.

Jago finds out that the tattoo of a rose on the victim’s shoulder is actually intended as a brand; the girl belonged to a madame who runs an upscale bawdy house.  When he questions Eleanor Rain about the missing girl, he gets no positive answers, but she assessed him quite accurately.

Later, Hawkwood learns from another escort that, indeed there is a missing woman from that establishment.  Ezra Twigg, the clerk at Bow Street, is able to provide Hawkwood with four files of similar murders from across London.

When another girl from the same establishment is found murdered in the same manner of the first, with the killer having committed suicide nearby, it seems the case is closed.  However, Jago points to the fact that the suicide had suffered a severe cut to his hand and could never have held a pistol in it to be able to commit suicide.  The killer is still out there!  However, the Home Secretary has pressured Chief Magistrate Read to shut down the investigation.

But will Read and Hawkwood do as they are told?  What ensues is fast paced action involving Hawkwood and his crony, Jago.  It is an exciting read, and hard to put down.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Deadly Intent

DI Anna Travis has just moved to a new, upscale flat, and before she can get settled in, is called to a murder site in Chalk Farm.  DCI Carol Cunningham is in charge.  It turns out that Travis knew the victim - retired DI Frank Brandon.

Travis’ new partner is DC Gordon Loach.  He is new to the Murder Squad.  Travis is not impressed by him.  Having talked to the financial advisor of the widow, Travis has a name to research.  It proves to be an alias for a known drug Lord in England.  However, he seems to have disappeared.  Could he have been behind the killing?

Later a car driven by Brandon is located by Cunningham and Travis in a lock up.  Inside they find a body, which is identified as a driver for a business firm.  He had been the person who had sent some people to the location where Brandon was killed to get drugs.

Travis starts to do a bit of independent investigation, and when she finds information, Cunningham warns her about going rogue.  It could mean Travis losing her job.

As more evidence comes in, it points to a possible connection with the drug scene, and one man in particular.  The body count is going up, too.  Each dead person seems to connect to the same person.

It is at this point that Detective Chief Superintendent James Langton begins to oversee the case.  He puts a lot of trust in Travis’ suppositions.  But will that be enough to catch the man responsible?

Author Lynda La Plante mystery is filled with many twists and turns leading to surprises and a stunning conclusion.  This story is fast paced and full of action.  I found the book hard to put down, and am awaiting the sequels.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Captain of Rome

Atticus has been ordered by Varro to advance into the harbour at Thermae and to destroy the Carthaginian fleet there.  Once inside the harbour they are surprised by another Carthaginian fleet, which blocks the entrance.  Meanwhile the Ninth Legion is trapped inside the city by Carthaginian cavalry.  Atticus is able to rescue some of the legion, but as his fleet escapes, some of his ships are destroyed by the Carthaginians.

As Atticus’ ship travels towards Rome, they find a near drowned sailor who recounts a pirate attack.  Apparently the pirates didn’t take any prisoners and torched the ship.  Atticus wonders at the changed tactics of the pirates.  Normally the crew was taken as slaves and the ship as a prize.

Back in Ostia, Varro orders Atticus and his crew to disembark the ship.  Atticus’ friend and commander of the marines aboard is also given the same order to disembark with his marines.  What does this mean for them?

Varro is censured for his command at Thermae.  However, Scipio has plans to use Varro to get back at Atticus.  Before they can sail away on a new task, Atticus is attacked and badly injured.  Septimus becomes very wary of Varro.

Having recovered and passed Varro on to another squadron, Atticus’ ship once again becomes a pirate hunter.  But will hunting pirates be enough to stop the might of Carthage?

Author John Stack has one of history’s largest naval battles awaiting Atticus and his friend, Septimus.  The outcome is very important to both city states.  Based on historical facts, Stack’s novel is excellent, fast paced and full of action.  A very good read for fans of historical fiction.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Good Priest

Father Vincent Ross’ life has been in a bit of a turmoil recently.  He has been accosted by a gang of drunken youth and a married woman has made a pass at him.  Most troubling was that one of the group of youth had accused a fellow priest of being a paedophile.  What was Ross to do?

Later a man confessed to him that he had killed a man!  Bound by canon law, Ross could tell no one, nor did he know the killer, however the killer did name his victim.  Could the victim be the bishop?  He had the same name.  He calls 999 to warn of the bishop’s attack, and finds out next day that he had survived.

When questioned by a DS, Ross refused to answer.  Not long after this it’s reported that the killer had been found.  He had committed suicide and left a note admitting to the attack.  Father Ross is convinced that the suicide was not the attacker, because he knew him, and his voice wasn’t the one he had heard in the confessional.

A few weeks later, Father Ross is attacked in his own home by the husband of the woman who had made a pass at him.  Ross goes into a retreat to recover.

What follows is a series of murders.  Ross is certain that they are associated to the theft of a book from the bishop’s house when he was attacked, because all those who have been killed were at one time priests and accused of being a paedophile.  However, the police are unaware of the connections.

Author Gillian Galbraith includes many of Father Ross’ personal trials and tribulations as he sets about his own investigation into the murders, but will it lead to his own death?  Read on!  A good, quick read.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Pure in Heart

DCI Simon Serrailler and DS Nathan Coates have been called out to investigate a missing child.  A young lad was snatched while he was waiting for his ride to school.  The thing is, the police don’t know that for sure.

Several days later Serrailler’s handicapped sister passes away.  Later that same day, his other sister gave birth to a son.  With all that’s going on, Serrailler is in a mix of emotions.  Unable to sleep, Serrailler goes for a drive and spots a car that was observed in the area where the boy was snatched.  He follows it and, with backup apprehends the driver.  A few minutes later, someone comes along to pick up the car.  Serrailler is injured while trying to stop the new suspects.

Later the father of the missing child commits suicide, and a day later the body of a child is found.  Is it the boy?  And what’s the connection to the suicide?

Author Susan Hill has plenty of troubling times ahead for Serrailler and his team as they continue the investigation.  Hill works Serrailler’s personal life into the story and how each affects the other.  A good, quick read.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Missing Ones

Detective Superintendent Myles Corrigan has just called DI Lottie Parker and DS Mark Boyd to the local cathedral where a body has been found.  It is quite obvious that the woman was strangled.  Later that day, a colleague of the victim is found hanging in a tree outside his home.

As Lottie starts her investigation, potential suspects begin to pop up.  Then the pathologist shows Lottie and Boyd that both victims were tattooed in the same spot with a similar, amateur tattoo.  That evening Lottie is attacked on the way home.  Almost strangled, she survives because an approaching taxi scares the attacker off.

This is followed by a reporter asking Lottie questions that are vaguely close to the mark.  How did he get the information?

Then a third body turns up.  The pathologist is sure that the man had been killed before the other two victims.  This is another case of strangulation.  Lottie is sure it is the missing priest she was asked to locate.

Later a witness comes forward who knew the first two victims while they were all in an orphanage.  He states that there were two killings in the orphanage at the time and the two bodies were buried under an apple tree.

Will this evidence be enough to stop a killer?  But then, who is the killer?  Author Patricia Gibney has plenty of work left for Lottie and her team before the killer can be found.  There are also a few surprises awaiting the reader.  For a first murder mystery by Gibney, this is an excellent, fast paced read, which I found hard to put down.  A top notch read, and I can hardly wait to get my hands on the sequels.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Wild Fire

Wild Fire by Ann Cleeves

Helena Fleming seemed to have randomly turned up on DI Jimmy Perez’s doorstep, but there wasn’t anything random about it.  She was concerned about the notes which she had been receiving.  They were drawings of the hangman game.  Was it related to something that had happened in the past or was there something more sinister?

A few days later, Helena’s son finds a young woman hanging in their byre.  It was the nanny who worked nearby for the local GP.  It isn’t long after her call that Perez and the GP, Robert Moncrief, are on the scene.  Perez recognises immediately that it’s not a suicide.

Perez sends his DS, Sandy Wilson, to examine the dead woman’s room and car.  Wilson feels that there is something suspicious about the car.  Perez has requested his superior, Willow Reeves, to be the SIO.  She brings shocking news with her. She is pregnant and Perez is the father.  How will this news affect Perez’s ability to investigate?

As the investigation progresses, the team interviews several potential suspects.  A couple of days later another woman is found strangled.  Could it have been because she had been spreading rumours about the young victim?

Will there be more victims before the team can solve the mystery?  Author Ann Cleeves has the mystery unravel in an unusual way, which will leave the reader somewhat surprised.  Another good murder mystery by this author.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Having lost the Danish fleet to the British, Napoleon sets his sites on Portugal.  He invades, and at Lisbon, Sir Thomas Kydd and  his ship Tyger, are assigned the task of bringing British citizens off to safety.

Kydd is surprised when one of the British refugees turns out to be Persephone Lockwood, an old flame of his.  She doesn’t want preferential treatment, but Dillon, Kydd’s confidential secretary, persuades Kydd to give up his cabin on Tyger for her.

Portugal decides to declare war on Britain, but do nothing in hopes that will satisfy Napoleon.  At the same time, Russia declares war on Britain.  However, the Regent of Portugal decides to take his parliament to Brazil before Napoleon can take Portugal.  As a result, Tyger is sent on patrol.  Kydd is unable to get get Persephone aboard.

Left stranded, Persephone must make her way to Oporto before the French army arrives.  She travels in disguise in the company of an American woman and an orphan boy.  Fortunately she is able to get passage from there to England.

When Kydd runs into Persephone in London he feels a real need to impress her, but how can he achieve that?  It isn’t long before he is in the company of the Prince of Wales, but will it be enough?

Having achieved his goal, now Kydd must decide between retiring from the navy and standing for parliament, but that will mean buying land.  Unfortunately his bid for parliament fails.  It is shortly after this that Kydd receives the shock of his life.  He turns to his good friend, Nicholas Renzi in search of an answer.

Can Kydd win a land battle with all guns a-blazing or will it result in all his dreams sinking away?  Author Julian Stockwin’s latest historical naval novel takes a different twist compared to his past novels.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Bloodmoon by Peter Tremayne

Sister Fidelma is on her way to an abbey in southeastern Ireland, accompanied by her partner Eadulf and their guardian Enda.  However, Eadulf is grumpy because Fidelma hasn’t let him in on the reason for the trip.

Unfortunately shortly after their arrival, Abbot Nessan, the man with whom Fidelma had gone to visit, was found murdered!  It is after this that Fidelma informs Eadulf that she is under a secret oath, and she can’t even tell him about it or the mission.

On the next stage of the journey they are ambushed by two bowmen.  The arrows were aimed at Fidelma, but fortunately they missed.  Enda and Eadulf were able to deal with the bowmen.  They then have to cross a river by boat.  As they near their destination they are approached by a warship.  Is this further trouble or a possible escort?

They learn of the possibility of war amongst the clans of the area and possible conspiracies.  So the little group must travel on.  Unfortunately they are taken prisoner.  While jailed, Fidelma finds another prisoner; she is the one accused of killing Abbot Nessan.  Fidelma knows that she didn’t.  She also finds out from her that the queen of the high king of Ireland has been abdicated.  Who is responsible for all of this?

Can the small group escape and solve the mystery of the conspiracy?  Author Peter Tremayne has plenty of adventure awaiting Fidelma, Eadulf and Enda before anything can be solved.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

War of the Wolf

Uthred is securely ensconced in his castle at Bebbanburg.  At sixty, why would he want to involve himself in the troubles of England?  However, when Ceaster in Mercia calls for his help he responds with ninety knights.  After getting inside the walls of Ceaster, Uthred finds out from Prince Aethelstan that he had not been summoned.  Had he walked into a trap?

Uthred decides to take his men to the north and attack Arnborg, a man who may have been behind the deception.  He easily takes Arnborg’s fort because Arnborg was elsewhere.  There he finds that Arnborg and his lord, Skoll Grimmarson, have marched on Eoferwic, where Uthred’s daughter and son-in-law rule.

Uthred and his men head towards Eiferwic.  On the way, he runs into Skoll’s army.  The hunter is now the hunted.  Fortunately for Uthred, he runs into Osferth and his army.  Together they are able stand off Skoll.  However, Uthred has vowed to kill Skoll.  Before he can do that he must attend the Easter Witan.  There Sygtrygger, King of Northumbria, is forced to swear allegiance to King Edward.

Having done that, Uthred and Sygtrygger must now focus on bringing Skoll to justice.  It will not be easy, and author Bernard Cornwell brilliantly describes the battle that follows.  This historical novel is a very entertaining read, and hard to put down.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Swords Around the Throne

Centurion Aurelius Castus of the Third Cohort, Sixth Legion has earned the enmity of Centurion Satrius Urbicus of the First Cohort Second Legion after beating the man while defending his own men.  Both legions are on their way to Colonia Agrippina to prepare for war against the enemy across the Rhine.

In one of the first battles across the Rhine, Castus loses a good friend, Centurion Valens, a man who had been with him in Britannia.  Castus’ fortune changes after a major battle in which he comes to the aid of Emperor Constantine.  As a result he is appointed to the emperor’s bodyguards.

Shortly after becoming a member of the bodyguards, Castus is told by one of the emperor’s staff to be on the watch for a traitor amongst the bodyguards.  However, treachery results in Castus being imprisoned and charged with treason.  He is told that Constantine is dead and there is anew emperor to whom he must swear allegiance.

Constantine is not dead, and he brings his army south to besiege Massilia where the upstart emperor is.  Castus finds himself in a tenuous position now.

Author Ian Ross has plenty more action awaiting Castus before the conclusion of this novel.  Based on historical fact, it is well researched and well written.  A thoroughly good read for fans of historical fiction.

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Blooding

It is December 1812 and Matthew Hawkwood finds himself in Albany, New York and a long ways from home.  With the Americans planning an invasion of Canada, he knew he had to gather information and then head north.  But which route would be the best?  As he plans, he sees a group of British prisoners of war, one of whom he recognises.

Major Lawrence had once been Hawkwood’s second in a dual in London.  He had to rescue the man so they could make their escape to the north.  It is not going to be easy.  Once rescued, Lawrence and Hawkwood would be fugitives and a long ways from Canada.  Would they be able to make good their escape?

Author James McGee has plenty of excitement and action awaiting the pair as they make their way north through Indian territory.  Chased by an American force the reader wonders whether they will survive.  McGee also liberally sprinkles the story with Hawkwood’s own background, which enhances the the story.  A thrillingly good read.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


DIs Katherine Wheeler and Steven Ross have been called to a murder site in Glasgow, where the body of an educational psychologist has been found badly beaten.  Gang related or something else?

Wheeler and Ross are sure that the killing has warning written all over it, but to whom? The following morning DCI Craig Stewart is very upset because someone got into the house where the body had been found and torched it.  Further possible evidence is now gone.  Also, someone from the police has been leaking details of the crime to the press. 

The investigative team can’t seem to get all of the information necessary to make a charge stick.  Then they get a surprise that shocks the team, but doesn’t help solve the case.

Author A. J. McCreanor’s mystery is full of the struggles that the police in Glasgow have in solving this crime.  She also includes the criminal element in the story.  I quite enjoyed this book and will definitely look for the sequels.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Full Dark House

An explosion outside the North London Peculiar Crimes Unit has killed Arthur Bryant.  Bryant was an elderly former police officer who worked there.  His landlady handed his old friend John May a document, which she had found in his flat.  It is in an old form of shorthand, so he has begun to translate it.

The pair had met in 1940 during the height of the Blitz.  Their first case together was the murder of a dancer.  Her feet had been found on a chestnut vendor’s wagon, and later her body was found in a lift in a theatre.

May begins to investigate what may have led to Bryant’s death.  Looking into that first case, based on Bryant’s notes, is the first thing that comes to mind for May.  Could that case be related to his death?

Another death had occurred at the same theatre shortly after the first when a piece of backdrop fell, killing one of the singers.  What is the motive behind the killings?  How many more deaths are there going to be?

Author Christopher Fowler has plenty of action awaiting the reader with plenty of twists and surprises before the conclusion of this murder mystery.  Fowler mixes historical cases, which are connected to the the modern moment.  An interesting read, to say the least.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Fall Down Dead

DI Ben Cooper is at the scene of a domestic murder.  It all seems straight forward, although DS Diane Fry is hesitant to say so.

Later DS Fry received a call from her superior telling her to report to HQ the following morning regarding professional standards.  Cooper at the same time is concerned about a group of missing hikers lost in the fog on Kinder Scout.  Fortunately they are found, but one of their group, a woman, is missing.

The following morning the missing woman was found at the foot of Dead Woman’s Drop.  When Cooper gets to the scene he wonders if she could have been pushed over the cliff.  Later, pathologist Chloe Young confirms his suspicions that she was possibly pushed.

Meanwhile, the professional standards inquiry into DS Fry have led to her sister Angela.  They also want her to take an assessment of her emotional and mental stability.  She turns to DI Cooper for help.  If he does help her, it could mean trouble for him, too.

Then errors are found in the murder inquiry, so DS Sharma has to dig further.  Will errors turn up in Cooper’s own investigation? And, what will happen to DS Fry?

Author Stephen Booth’s murder mystery is well written, and as usual his parallel stories keep the reader intrigued.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Rebellion's Message

Jack Blackjack has just been struck over the head.  Upon recovering he finds in his hand a bloody knife and a dead man in front of him and another hollering bloody murder!  What can he do, but run?  Fortunately for Jack, the purse he had stolen earlier hadn’t been taken from him.  He shares the takings with the gang he is a member of, but also discovers that the purse contained a secret message.

Could Jack trust his gang to keep him safe, or should he be searching out information on the dead man and the secret message?  Sadly one gang member does betray him.  Jack makes a run for it across London Bridge and finds safety with Piers, a friend who works at a whore house.  Later, Piers introduces Jack to Mark Thomasson who assures Jack that he can translate the secret message.

Thonasson informs Jack that the message is one suggesting that Queen Mary must not be allowed to have a consort.  There are at least three men who would want whoever has the not dead.  Not long after this, Jack is arrested and questioned by Bishop Gardiner, the queen’s High Chancellor.  Gardiner gives Jack the opportunity to find out more about the men from whom he stole the purse.

As more danger appears around Jack, he hopes to escape London, but rebels are marching on the city.  With no escape, only more trials and tribulations await Jack.  Author Michael Jecks’ novel is full of perils for the young hero.  It is also full of twists and turns within the plot leading to a surprising conclusion.  A good read for fans of historical fiction.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Bone Garden

DS Wesley Peterson and DI Gerry Heffernan have been called out to an archeological site where two skeletons have been found.  The pathologist agrees that they are a couple of centuries old, so nothing for the police to be concerned about.  Peterson is surprised at the name of the original tenant; it is the same as his mother’s maiden name.

The next day an anonymous phone call informs the police of a body in the local caravan site.  After an extensive search the body of a young man, who has been stabbed in the back is found in one of the caravans.  A young witness is able to provide a very good description of the killer.  Unfortunately when Peterson is supposed to meet with the supposed culprit, he seems to have disappeared into thin air!  His body is found a few hours later.  Murder or an accident?

Author Kate Ellis’ murder mystery is written to parallel a similar one a few centuries earlier.  Peterson sees the parallels, but almost loses one of his fellow officers before he solves the case.  A good, quick read.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Sir Thomas Kydd needs some rest and relaxation.  He turns to his gunners mate, Toby Stirk, and the pair of them head to Dunlochry in Scotland, where Stirk’s family lives.

Shortly after arriving there, Stirk and a few friends decide to venture into the salvage business in the hopes of finding treasure.  Asking Kydd for help, he points out that the treasure is lost in several fathoms of water.  Undeterred, the group resolves to get a diving bell.  Unfortunately one is unavailable, but there is a diving machine available, for which the owner wants fifty percent of the proceeds.

It comes down to Kydd to be the one to go down in the machine.  Will he find bullion from the great Spanish Armada?

Meanwhile, the British economy is being devastated by Napoleon’s Continental System, which forbids any nation under his control from trading with Britain.  On top of that, Napoleon had forced Alexander I of Russia to withdraw from the war.  Britain was now alone in Europe.

Back aboard Tyger, Kydd finds that they are to sail with the North Sea Fleet towards the Baltic.  Beyond that he can only speculate.  At Gothenburg, the nature of the expedition is outlined; they are to take the Danish fleet, by force if necessary.  This is shocking news as Denmark is a neutral.

King George decides to send an emissary in the hopes that he can persuade the Danes to give up their navy without military action.  That emissary is to be Nicholas Renzi, Lord Farndon, good friend and brother-in-law to Kydd.

Unable to get an agreement, the British land thousands of troops.  The Danes declare war on Britain.  Renzi and his wife Cecilia are trapped!  Under seige, the governor of Copenhagen, refuses to submit.  General Cathcart decides to bombard the city.

Would the citizens of Copenhagen submit or destroy their fleet rather than give in to the British?  Author Julian Stockwin’s naval novel this time includes an integral land battle that went far in denying Napoleon a new navy.  The siege of Copenhagen is a little known act in the Napoleonic Wars, but Stockwin brings it to life in this novel.  Well researched and written, and a thoroughly enjoyable read for fans of historical fiction.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Vanishing Box

DI Edgar Stephens and his DS, Bob Willis, are at a murder scene.  A young woman’s body has been posed in an unusual way.

Later, having seen the photos of the victim, DS Emma Holmes realises that the pose is exactly like a painting of Lady Jane Gray just before her execution.  This makes Stephens think about the tableaux that are being performed at a local Brighton theatre.

A few days later the sergeants attend the performance of the tableaux and notice that one of the participants, while wearing a wig looks similar to the victim.  She discovers flowers at her door when she gets home, just as the victim had.  Could they have been left for her roommate?

The next day the manager of the tableaux is found murdered in his flat.  The most obvious suspect is his mistress.  The problem is that Max Mephisto, a good friend of Stephens was seen in her company in the morning at the flat. 

Later one of the girls from the tableaux is attacked just as she reaches home.  While there taking her statement, Stephens is called to the home of the mistress of the manager.  She has been found dead and posed.  When will the killer stop?

As the title implies, a bit of magic and misdirection by author Elly Griffiths, leads to a surprising conclusion in more ways than one.  An enjoyable, quick read.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Clean Cut

DCI James Langton has been stabbed with a machete.  He is intensive care, but will he survive?  His girlfriend DI Anna Travis is devastated.  His police sergeants Lewis and Barolli agree that they are going to do their best to help Langton recover.

Six weeks on, and Travis is working on a new murder team.  A young woman has been murdered in her own home.  Travis is sure that the killer lives nearby and will kill again.  It isn’t long before they have a suspect, but he has disappeared.  However it isn’t long before they have him in custody. 

Although the evidence against the culprit is cut and dried, his lawyer suggests that Travis had come by some of the evidence illegally.  She retraces her steps and is surprised when she finds more evidence, which might point to the person who stabbed Langton.  But how can they get him?

Later, when Langton is released from hospital, Travis comes to realise how difficult his recovery is going to be for the pair of them.  After Langton makes a surprisingly speedy recovery, he is back on the job, but when Travis shares what she possibly knows about his attacker, he goes ballistic and they split up.

Shortly afterwards a new murder case, which is indirectly connected to the previous one, is opened up.  Langton is put in charge, and he wants Travis working with him.  She tries to refuse, but orders are orders.

This case will develop to be a brutal and horrific case.  Author Lynda La Plante is graphic in the details as Langton and his team investigate gruesome killings.  Can they gather enough evidence and capture the people behind the killings or will there be more frustration?  A thoroughly enjoyable read, and a hard to put down book.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Instrument of Slaughter

Detective Superintendent Chatfield has appointed DI Harvey Marmion to investigate the murder of a conscientious objector, against his better judgement.  However, the commissioner has insisted that the DI be the lead investigator.  Chatfield is not one to let his detectives have their head and investigate freely.  He wants to know everything.

Marmion discovers that the librarian where the victim worked had an issue with the victim because the victim had a brilliant idea, which the librarian refused to implement.  Meanwhile DS Keedy has arrested a man who vandalised the victim’s house.  However, does this bring the killer any closer to capture?  They also have one other possible suspect.

When surprising new information comes to light, Marmion is frustrated.  He realises that he and Keedy have been looking in the wrong area.  Then there is an an attack on another man.  Fortunately he survives.  Are the two attacks connected?

Author Edward Marston presents two possible suspects as the detectives close in on them.  He then throws a couple of twists into the investigation before Marmion and Keedy are able to solve it.  A good, quick read.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Bespoke Murder

When the Lusitania was sunk, people went berserk in her home port of Liverpool.  Anyone or business with a German sounding name was attacked throughout England.

Detective Inspector Harvey Marmion has been assigned to look into one such attack in London where a tailor’s shop was burned to the ground with the tailor inside.  Marmion’s superior, Sir Edward Henry wants the man who started the fire arrested.  Marmion takes his right hand man, DS Joe Keedy with him to begin the investigation.

At the site of the fire, they are told that the owner is dead.  He had been stabbed in the chest and the safe was wide open.  Marmion is sure that the murder and arson were planned in advance and the mob taken advantage of to commit the murder.  He is also shocked to find out that the daughter of the shop owner had been raped at the time of the fire by two soldiers.  He plans on bringing them to justice despite them having been shipped out to France the following day.

Marmion and Keedy travel to the war zone in Belgium, hot on the trail of the rapists.  Shortly after having brought the culprits back to England, one of them escapes custody.  He can have only one thing in mind, and Marmion hopes to prevent that from happening.  But will that prevent the detectives from solving the other case?

Author Edward Marston has plenty of fast paced action for the two detectives in this murder mystery and more than one case to solve.  I’ve quite enjoyed the writing of Marston in his other series and am looking forward to reading the remaining books in this series.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Funeral Boat

A farmhouse has been broken into and the owner injured in the fracas.  DS Wesley Peterson and his DI, Gerry Heffernan have been to the hospital to visit the victim.  While there Peterson gets a call about a skeleton being discovered on another farm.

Back at the office DC Rachel Tracey receives a woman who has come in to report a missing person.  A young Danish woman has disappeared.  Initially, Tracey isn’t overly concerned about the woman being missing.

Peterson calls his friend Neil Watson, who is an archaeologist, to examine the skeleton.  Both are convinced that what has been found is a Viking burial site.

The car of the missing woman has been found and her possessions still in it, undisturbed.  A pad with what smells like chloroform is also found in the car.  Has she been abducted?  Peterson and Tracey go to her B & B to examine her room.  When the missing woman’s brother shows up, Peterson is sure that he is withholding something.

Fortunately they are able to arrest the men involved in the farm break ins.  They refuse to give up the fourth man involved.  It is at this time that Heffernan learns that there is a another group also breaking into farms.

However, there are still other cases to be resolved.  Author Kate Ellis hints at suspects, and provides a surprising end to this murder mystery.  A good quick read.  I find that I’m quite enjoying this series.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wings of the Storm

Sigurd Haraldarson and his motley crew are still in Svearland helping Alrick defend his borg from the siege of Jarl Guthrum.  But in the back of Sigurd’s mind is his plan to defeat King Gorm for the humiliation Gorm had handed his family.

Sigurd decides that to lift the seige, he, Florida and Valgerd would attempt a night time raid on Guthrum’s camp.  It backfires and the trio are captured.  It seems that Sigurd is no longer Odin favoured.

When Guthrum marches away from the seige with the three prisoners, it is Valgerd who realises that they are being taken to Ubsola, where blood sacrifices are made to the gods.  Will Guthrum sacrifice them?

When Sigurd’s men discover where Guthrum is headed, they follow under the leadership of Olaf.  Can the eleven men save Sigurd and his companions before they are sacrificed or turned over to their enemies?

Author Giles Kristian’s epic Viking novel is full of action, treachery, blood, guts and glory.  This novel brings the Sigurd Haraldarson saga to a close, and all-in-all was a great way to close out the trilogy.  A thoroughly enjoyable read for fans of historical fiction.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


L’ Aurore and Captain Kydd have returned to Plymouth to drop off Lord Farndon who was recently released from a Turkish prison.  However, while in port the ship’s carpenter brings Kydd bad news.  There is rot alongside the keel.  This means dry dock and the dispersal of the crew amongst the other ships of the navy.

Kydd is shocked when he finds out that he is to be appointed captain of a brand new frigate, larger and with heavier guns than the L’ Aurore.  The ship is still being built, so he has time of leisure ahead, plus serving as a witness at the court-martial of Captain Popham.

Unfortunately Kydd is overhead speaking about the outcome of the court-martial by a newspaper reporter.  What he says will damn him in the eyes of the Admiralty.  However, he is shocked when they give him command of another frigate.  He soon learns that Tyger’s crew had mutinied and three of the ring leaders had been hung.  The Admiralty is setting him up for failure.

Putting to sea with a depleted crew, Kydd hopes to overcome mutinous men by gaining a prize for the men.  He quickly realises that there is at least one man aboard that could prevent him from gaining the trust of the rest of the crew.  Can Kydd prevent another mutiny?  Can he turn Tyger into a true British fighting vessel?

Kydd and the crew of Tyger are tasked with a special load to be delivered to Tsar Alexander to ensure that Russia will stay in the war against Napoleon.  That means sailing into the mouth of the Baltic.

Returning from that task, Kydd learns from his fleet admiral that when he returns to Yarmouth, he is to lose Tyger.  To prevent this from happening too soon, the admiral sends him to check out the viability of Archangel as a port.  Arctic stores are necessary.

In Archangel, Kydd discovers that the port would need dredging to allow deep hulled vessels in.  He also learns that the Dutch are taking furs out and selling them on to the French.  How can he put a stop to this illicit trade?  When he does, Kydd finds Tyger ordered into the Baltic to help the Prussians.

Tyger is one of author Julian Stockwin’s most interesting naval novels to date.  Action is intense and bloody.  A jolly good read for fans of historical naval fiction.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Hawkwood and his friend, Jago, have recently taken in a pugilistic match where a Chinese man challenged the champion.  Chen easily dispatched the champion and is now teaching Hawkwood how to fight.  It has aided in his physical rehabilitation after the injuries he suffered on his last job for Bow Street.

Not surprisingly, Hawkwood has now been called to Whitehall, and the Alien Office in particular.  He is tasked with going to Paris in disguise to check with an agent there to determine the practicability of forthcoming plans.

Getting to France is not an easy task.  A sudden storm results in Hawkwood and the captain of the ship stranded on the French shore.  Quick thinking and Hawkwood’s ability to speak French saves them from being imprisoned.  More fortune follows.

In Paris, Hawkwood finds the agent he is to meet is an old acquaintance; Captain Grant of the 11th Foot, a man thought to be dead.  From Grant, Hawkwood learns about the dire straits that France is in due to the war, now magnified by Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia.  Grant shocks Hawkwood when he proposes that the pair of them, with some assistance are going to depose the emperor of France!

Is it at all possible?  What if the plans were to go awry?

It is only after they have set their plans in motion that they discover that their French co-conspirators have a different plan in mind.  They plan to take control of the city of Paris!

As in a modern-day coup d’ etat, author James McGee takes us through the preparations and ensuing gambles made by the main characters.  Insider knowledge is needed as is the perfect timing.  A rogues gallery of characters play their part in this historical novel, which I found hard to put down.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ship of Rome

Atticus is in charge of the trireme Aquila, supported by Septimus and his marines.  They are running for their lives from Carthaginians.  Using his knowledge of the route, Atticus draws one ship into the whirlpool of Charybdis, and ten rams the oars of a second ship.  Septimus and his marines board and kill many while Atticus destroys the rudder.  They then escape.  Aboard that second ship, Admiral Gisco vows vengeance on the Aquila.

At the port of Brolium in northern Sicily, Atticus and Septimus discover the consul Scipio there.  Scipio orders them to take him to Rome where he hopes to rally Rome in the defence against the Carthaginians.  Once docked in Ostia, Scipio orders Atticus and Septimus to accompany him to Rome.

In Rome, Scipio calls for the formation of a navy with him in command.  Unbeknownst to him, a rival junior senator, Duilius, has arranged to have his own name put forth.  Angered, Scipio dismisses Atticus and Septimus who then go to visit Septimus’ family.  There Atticus is introduced to Septimus’ parents and sister, Hadria.

After a lengthy debate, the senate agreed to build a new navy with bit Duilius and Scipio in command.  Atticus can’t believe that a fleet of a hundred and fifty galleys can be built and crewed in time, but Septimus is sure that Rome can do whatever it sets its mind to and in less time than required.  But will it be enough to save the Roman army on Sicily?

A fleet is quickly built and sent out under the command of Scipio.  However, Admiral Gisco destroys it and captures Scipio.  Can Rome, now under the leadership of Duilius, respond  or will Carthage’s navy advance unrestricted?

Author John Stack’s historical novel is well written and thoroughly enjoyable.  He builds up the tension as Rome’s fleet is built leading on to the Battle of Mylae.  Stack’s novel is based on historical fact including the development of the corvus, which became a determining factor at Mylae.  A great read for fans of historical fiction.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Emperor's Assassin

It is 1815 and the former, great Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte has just sailed into Plymouth.  Not as an invader, but rather as a prisoner of the British.

Meanwhile, back in London, Bow Street Runner, Henry Morton, has been informed by the police surgeon that the young woman on his table did not self murder herself, but rather was tortured and then killed.  He turns to his friend, Arabella Malibrant, an actress to see if she can tell him something about the clothes the victim had been wearing.

An older Runner tells Morton that the torture suggests a political motive.  Arabella discovers who made the victim’s dress, and the dressmaker is able to identify the victim, but beyond that she knows nothing of the victim.  When Morton gets to the victim’s house, the workers there are shocked to hear of their mistress’ death.  They inform Morton that she was the mistress of a French count.  Lord Darley tells Morton that the count is an unofficial ambassador of the French king.

Morton shares information he has with a captain from the Admiralty, who knows the Bonapartists in England.  Several names are eliminated because they are dead, but Morton comes away with a few to investigate.  He has a French contact who refined the list and provides him with more background.

The count connected to the first victim is murdered just moments before Morton is to meet with him.  Unfortunately Morton and his assistant arrive too late to prevent the killing.  Are there going to be more assassinations?  Could the killers possibly have Napoleon in mind?

What follows in author T. F. Banks historical thriller is a chase from London to Plymouth, with plenty of action ensuing.  A good quick read.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Red Dahlia

DI Anna Travis has been called out to a murder scene.  There she finds DCI Glen Morgan and several other detectives.  The body of the woman is in worse shape than she anticipated it would be.  Five days after the body was found, it was identified by her roommate.  They could now start the hunt for the killer.

Unfortunately for Morgan’s team, he is hospitalised with a bleeding ulcer and DCI James Langton is assigned the task of heading up the murder team.  The press called it the case of the red dahlia and compared it to one in America.  They are good enough to help the police in their quest to find the tall dark man the victim had been seeing.

Travis discovers a book on the American killing and having read it, shows it to Langton.  The similarities show that they have a copy cat killer on their hands.  Langton brings in a profiler, but Travis isn’t impressed by Professor Marshe because everything she said had already been discussed by the team.

Two weeks in, the killer sends possessions of the victim to a newspaper.  A few days later he is threatening to kill again, having sent a note directly to Langton.  On the eighteenth day, the roommate of the victim is found brutally murdered.

Unfortunately for Travis, her journalist lover takes advantage of her knowledge and publishes it; knowledge that only the killer would know.

By the twenty-second day they have a possible suspect.  But how can they prove that he is the killer?  With only circumstantial evidence, they have nothing.  Can the team gather the evidence to catch a killer or will the killer go free as happened in the American case?

Author Lynda La Plante’s murder mystery is full of suspense, tension and excitement.  This novel is a page turner and hard to put down.  I highly recommend it.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Unhallowed Grave

DI Gerry Heffernan and DS Wesley Peterson have been called out to what the pathologist says might be a murder.  A woman had been found hanging from a tree.  Evidence around her neck points to strangulation prior to her being hung from the tree.  A couple of days later a young lad goes missing.  Heffernan asks that a bulletin be distributed amongst the police.

Meanwhile Peterson’s friend, Neil Watson, who is an archeologist, is in charge of a dig near where the hanging occurred.  A body is found in one of the trenches, and Neil is forced to call in the police.

As the investigation progresses, Heffernan and Peterson learn that the victim has a mysterious background and that the missing lad may have seen the murderer.  If they can find out the past of the victim will that lead to them finding the killer?

Author Kate Ellis presents a few suspects as this murder mystery progresses leaving the reader to wonder which one it truly is.  This is another very good work by Ellis.  A quick and enjoyable read.

Friday, October 19, 2018


L’Aurore has been ordered back to England.  Captain Thomas Kydd is sure that he is to be court martialed for his participation in the Buenos Aires affair.  Surprisingly, the port admiral at Portsmouth welcomes him with open arms.  However, orders await, commanding Kydd to report to London to meet with the First Lord of the Admiralty.

Arriving at the Admiralty, Kydd is shocked to find out that it is the king who has demanded his presence.  Later he is to meet the prime minister.  There he finds out that he is to be knighted.  What does this mean for his future?

Meanwhile, Kydd’s good friend, Nicholas Renzi, has also been to London and discovered that he is now a published author.  He has some considerable wealth as a result.  He then decides to confront his father, only to learn that his father has recently passed on, and Nicholas is now Lord Farndon.  As a result of all of this he decides that he can now propose to Cecilia, Kydd’s sister.

Not long after the wedding, Sir Thomas Kydd and L’ Aurore are sent to participate in the blockade of Cadiz.  Back in England, the new Lord Farndon is presented with an extraordinary opportunity.  He is to become a very special ambassador, and his first task will take him to Constantinople.

Not long after joining the blockade of Cadiz, Kydd is sent to join the Mediterranean fleet in order to extract the ambassador from Constantinople.  Acting on his own initiative, Kydd sails in to Constantinople only to find that the ambassador wants the fleet there as a show of force.  He thinks that the Turks have been too cosy with the French.  Before long, Kydd finds himself sitting on a powder keg.

Farndon arrives in Constantinople the day that L’ Aurore sails away with the ambassador.  What is he to do now?  And so begins a three sided chess game with the French, Turks and English playing.  It is a game, which could have dire consequences. Out in the Mediterranean, L’Aurore joined a large fleet that had orders to force the Dardanelles and if necessary bombard Constantinople. 

Will the fleet be able to bomb Constantinople?  How will Farndon get word of what the French are up to to the fleet?  Can he survive, being the only Englishman in Constantinople?  Author Julian Stockwin answers these questions in the dying pages of this historical novel.  A good read for fans of historical fiction.  It is actually based on some historical facts.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Why has Hawkwood been sent to one of the hulks in the Thames? 

The Home Secretary is concerned about escapes by French prisoners of war from the hulks.  Two naval officers had been sent to investigate.  One has turned up dead, while the other is missing.  Bow Street has sent Hawkwood under cover as a result to investigate the escapes.

Hawkwood latches on to the captain of a privateer.  Lasseur makes it well known to Hawkwood that he plans to escape.  The how and when are the unknown, however.  It is not long before the pair make a connection, but the cost is damnably expensive.

Hawkwood and Lasseur run into trouble when they try to protect a boy from some of the dregs of the hulk’s society.  Could they be hung for killing their opponents?  However, since both are badly injured they are confined to the sick berth.  How will they ever be able to escape in their injured condition?

What awaits Hawkwood and Lasseur is friendship, treachery, gold and plenty of action.  Hawkwood’s old friend Nathaniel Jago will play an integral part, too.  Well written and researched, James McGee’s historical thriller is hard to put down and a fun, exciting read.  I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Various Haunts of Men

The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill

DS Freya Graffham and DC Nathan Coates are checking out the home of a reported missing woman.  The empty house is unremarkable, but Graffham does find a gift wrapped box, and inside were a set of cuff links.  Who was the mysterious man they were intended for?  Later Graffham discovers that the missing woman had been purchasing other jewelry.

DC Nathan Coates is willing to help Graffham despite there not any overtime available.  He has discovered that there were a few other missing people recently.  The case becomes more serious when a young woman goes missing.  Graffham has no difficulty in persuading DCI Simon Serrailler to put more effort into the investigation.

There are links amongst the missing persons, but beyond that Graffham has nothing.  Then an elderly woman goes missing.  Serrailler tells Graffham to act on it.  Will Graffham be able to find what or who is behind the missing people before another goes missing?

Author Susan Hill entwines the stories of the victims into the search done by Graffham and DC Coates.  Hints about who the perpetrator might be are seeded throughout the story, but it isn’t until very late in the mystery that the reader starts to pick up on the truth.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.  I’m looking forward to picking up the sequels.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Little Girl Lost

DI Robyn Carter has been taking an extended leave from her police work due to personal reasons, however to prevent the dulling of her mind, she has been working for her cousin, Ross Cunningham, doing private investigations.  The latest request is to find a missing husband.  Upon speaking to the missing man’s wife, she informs Carter that when she discovered that he was missing, she went through his computer and discovered a file that points to him being a pedophile!

Carter decides to return to work early and make her investigation official.  She learns that the father of the missing man has recently passed away due to a heart attack.  Anyway she turns, she can’t seem to gather information on the missing man.  Fortunately Ross is able to locate the heat attack victim’s computer.  Will Carter be able to access it?

While Carter is in Farnborough checking on possibilities, she receives a call from a member of her team telling her that the housekeeper for the heart attack victim has been found dead in his house.  Not long after this, Carter is informed that the missing man has been found, murdered!  When police go to inform the wife of the victim, they find her dead, also murdered.

Can DI Carter find the killer before they kill again?  Author Carol Wyer’s murder mystery is a complex psychological thriller.  The reader thinks that they know who the killer is only to find themselves questioning their ideas later.  Throughout DI Carter’s investigation, the thoughts of the killer are interspersed to create the basis for the crimes about to be committed, which makes the mystery much more interesting.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.  I’m looking forward to getting my hands on the sequels.

Above Suspicion

DCI James Langton and DS Mike Lewis are working on a series of cold case files when they learn that one of their number has been hospitalised.  Langton requests that a rookie DS, Anna Travis, join their squad.  She is the daughter of his former mentor.

Along with DC Barolli, the three attend a murder site, however they can’t claim it unless they can prove a connection to their cold cases.  Following the autopsy, Langton is sure that the victim has died in the same way his cold cases had.  This victim had been dead at least four weeks.  He tells Travis to begin to familiarise herself with the case files.

Will forensics be able to show that the most recent victim is connected to the cold cases Langton and his team have been working on?  Travis feels very inadequate as a rookie on the cases.  Langton is fortunate enough to get the recent case turned over to him, because he is sure that he has a serial killer on his hands.

There are alarming differences between the past victims and the most recent, but not the method of killing.  The murder team get a few lucky breaks, and are sure that the killer will strike again.  Travis is sent to Spain to question a former cop who may have some ideas about the killer.  Travis comes up with a suspect, but all the evidence the team gathers is circumstantial; not enough to take the man to court.

Author Lynda La Plante’s first murder mystery in this series is immensely intriguing.  The reader’s attention is grasped right from the first page.  The detectives find themselves making progress only to receive a setback, over and over again.  The reader is left wondering if the team will ever get the culprit.  I found this book hard to put down; one of the best murder mysteries I’ve read.  I can’t wait to get my hands on the sequels.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Winter's Fire

Sigurd Haraldarson and his small crew have settled into their overly large and cold hall for the winter.  Elsewhere, King Gorm wants revenge on Sigurd, but is wary because Sigurd is god-protected.  Gorm’s former champion, Moldof, promises to wreak vengeance on Sigurd.

Gorm sends an envoy, hoping to buy Sigurd’s allegiance.  Sigurd doesn’t accept the purchase price and sends the envoy back - dead.  Gorm’s reply is to send an assassin.  However, before the assassin arrives, Sigurd takes his ship and crew south.  It will not be an easy trip.

Wanting his sister, Runa, to be safe while he set about his vengeance, Sigurd arranges for her to be left on the island of Freyja Maidens; women who train to be warriors.

Will the assassin get to Sigurd or is there some other treachery afoot that will do in Sigurd and his men?  And what if Runa?  Is she to be forgotten or will she become a warrior? 

There are plenty of battles in author Giles Kristian’s latest historical thriller, each one with rough, dangerous action; each one leaving Sigurd and his small band of men on the cusp of destruction.  The story is well paced and hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the third book in this trilogy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Armada Boy

Neil Watson was all prepared for an archeological dug at an old decrepit chapel when he discovered the body of an elderly man there.  DS Wesley Peterson and his boss DI Heffernan begin the investigation.  It turns out that the man was part of a WWII veterans group visiting the area.

Early on, three young beggars come to the attention of Heffernan and Peterson.  One of them has threatened his aunt with a flick knife.  Unfortunately the police can only apprehend his two sidekicks.

The following night, an American tourist goes missing.  She had actually been from the area prior to the war, and had married an American GI.  Her clothes and suitcase are also missing.  Her car would be found later by a constable, locked, but with what appear to be blood stains on the seat.

A psychic repeatedly insists to Heffernan that he needs to find “The Armada Boy” in order to solve the case.  When Peterson finds The Armada Boy, it brings some ideas to mind, but will it be enough?

Author Kate Ellis has plenty of twists and turns followed by dead ends before DS Peterson is able to figure out who the culprit truly is.  A good, quick read for fans of this genre.

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Fire Court

It is several months since the great fire, which had destroyed much London.  James Marwood’s father has just been run over by a cart and killed. A street sweeper had been amongst the first at the scene of the accident and heard Marwood’s father ask, “Where’s the rook?”, before he died.  Marwood wonders what that means.  Also, a note with names is found in his father’s jacket.  Marwood learns that the names are connected to the Fire Court.  What could that mean?

He turns to his friends, Simon Hakesby and Catherine Lovett for help in gathering information about the judges at the Fire Court.

A few days later, Marwood’s boss, Williamson, sends him to investigate the body of a woman found amongst the ruins of a building near the Fire Court.  She is identified as the niece of of a wealthy man, who is trying to rebuild in one of the burned out areas.  However, not long after that, Marwood is sent off to Scotland on a fool’s errand.  Is that to keep him out of the way?

Catherine has also gathered some information about the victim.  Could the niece have been killed by her lover?

Before Marwood can head off to Scotland, he is badly injured in a fire while trying to save a man who could possibly provide him with information.  Not long after this, Cat has to go into hiding.  She finds out that there are people looking for both her and Marwood.

Dangers await the pair, will they discover proof to bring the killer to justice or will the killer escape?  Author Andrew Taylor has plenty of crises and surprises ahead as Marwood and Cat move forward to the final culmination of this thriller.  An excellent read, and difficult to put down.  I highly recommend it.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Murderous Mistral

Captain Roger Blanc is newly divorced and transferred to the south of France, which is seen as a demotion.  Fortunately he does have the old house his uncle willed to him.  How will the other detectives in this southern gendarmerie take to him, who has come from Paris?  However, his new partner, Lieutenant Marius Tonon is very welcoming.

Within minutes of meeting, the pair are called out to a murder scene.  The victim is badly burned, and there are many Kalashnikov shell casings nearby.  When the crime of scene doctor turns the body over, Tonon recognises a necklace the victim had been wearing.  The victim is a local man.  Second Lieutenant Fabienne Souillard is able to come up with further information from police files about the victim.

Blanc is surprised to find that the judge in charge of his investigation is the wife of the minister who transferred him down to the south.  He is sure that she will attempt to derail his career, too.  However, he continues with the investigation.

Blanc discovers that two of the victim’s neighbours had had arguments with him in the days leading up to his death?  Also, why was a German painter who lives in the area asking questions about the victim before he was killed?

The next surprise for Captain Blanc and Lieutenant Tonon is the death of one of their suspects.  Is it a sailing accident or murder? Is it possibly connected to the death of the first victim?  Then a second suspect goes missing.  Has he absconded or is there another reason for him being missing?

An old case worked on by Tonon helps to develop the investigation, but will it lead to the perpetrator of the murder?  Only author Cay Rademacher knows.  Rademacher’s murder mystery is an excellent read and I want to get my hands on the sequels.

Monday, September 24, 2018


Matthew Hawkwood has been sent by Chief Magistrate James Read to a cemetery where a man has been found hanging.  Hawkwood discovers that his tongue and teeth have been removed.  He also discovers that the body of a woman has been removed from her nearby grave.  He is sure that the hung man is there as a warning from one group of resurrectionists to another.

When Hawkwood reports to Read, Read asks him to also investigate a murder which had occurred the night before at Bethlem Hospital, which is better known as Bedlam.  The killer is known to be a vicar!  However, when he gets to the cell of the victim he finds that the victim is actually the parson, and the killer, who had been an army surgeon has escaped custody.  What would he do next?

It is at this point, that a constable arrives to inform Hawkwood that they had the vicar cornered in a church.  Hawkwood rushes to the church only to find it on fire and the surgeon consumed by it.

Not long after this two constables discover a couple of bags near a hospital with the remains of two women who had been disinterred and then surgically divested of some of their organs and skin.  Hawkwood wonders how a dead surgeon could have done this.  He returns to the church to try and figure out how the surgeon had survived the conflagration.  He also sets out to learn as much as he can about the surgeon, but will it be enough to help him find him?

As Hawkwood gains more information about the surgeon, he comes to a terrifying realisation. 

What comes afterwards is well written, expanding tension by author James McGee. This thriller is well worth the read for fans of historical fiction.

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Falcon of Sparta

Artaxerxes is first in line to the throne of Persia.  His brother Cyrus is loyal to him, so when Araxerxes sends a message to Cyrus that their father is failing, Cyrus immediately heads home.  There his bodyguard of three hundred Spartans are massacred and he is jailed, awaiting execution.  Fortunately his mother intervened and he is freed.

Having made his escape, Cyrus begins to build an army. He has recruited more Spartans under the leadership of General Clearchus.  One of the men to join his army is Xenophōn, a student of Socrates.  However, will his small army be enough to take on the mighty Persian army?

It isn’t long before Artaxerxes cuts off money Cyrus needs to pay his army.  What can he do?  The only thing left was to march.  When word of Cyrus marching against him, Artaxerxes masses his own army.  Badly outnumbered, Cyrus dies in the battle when the two armies meet.

The Greeks are relatively unscathed by the battle.  Clearchus orders the Greeks to retreat to protect the camp followers, and then to begin a march to the north to get away from the massive Persian army.  Will Artaxerxes let them go, or will his army descend on them and destroy all?

Artaxerxes is not prepared to let them go.  What follows is a test of strength and endurance for the Greek soldiers and their camp followers.  Conn Iggulden’s historical novel is based upon facts and the writing of Xenophōn.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable read.  Any fan of historical fiction will enjoy this book.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

War at the Edge of the World

War at the Edge of the World by Ian Ross

Centurion Aurelius Castus has recently been promoted and transferred to Eboracum.  Called before the governor, Arpagius, he is informed that there will soon be changes amongst the Caesars.  He is shocked and doesn’t know what to think.  Later, he and his small century are ordered to serve as an honour guard for a dignitary attending a meeting of Picts north of Hadrian’s Wall.

The envoy they are to guard is Aelius Marcellinus, a former officer who had dealt with the Picts in the past.  Along with them is a secretary by the name of Strabo.  Just before they are to cross the wall, Castus and Marcellinus discover that Strabo is an agent of the emperor, and also a member of the secret cult of Christians.

They arrive at their destination just as the Picts are about to vote for their new leader.  Things go awry shortly after their arrival and Castus’ troops are surrounded.  After a couple of brief battles, Castus submits to giving himself up so that his remaining troops can go free.

Strabo is killed by the Picts and Marcellinus takes his own life using poison, however before doing that he asks Castus to take a message back to his wife and daughter.  Castus is fortunate to escape and on the way to Eboracum Dave Marcellina, daughter of Marcellinus from a band of roving brigands.  His troubles don’t end when they get to Eboracum, though.

Author Ian Ross has lots of action awaiting Castus as the Romans set out to wreak vengeance on the Picts.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable and exciting read, leaving me wanting to get my hands on the sequels.

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Merchant's House

DS Wesley Peterson has just arrived in Devon and immediately finds himself part of an investigation into a woman’s body found near a walking path.  Everyone is glad that it isn’t a little boy who had recently gone missing.  DI Gerry Heffernan and DC Rachel Tracey are working the case with him.  When hethe victim’s handbag turns up, a photo inside it rings a bell for Peterson, but he can’t remember where he had seen the victim before.

When Peterson remembers that he had seen her in a pornographic magazine left in his desk by the previous DS, it leads him and Heffernan to Manchester.  There they find out the identity of the victim and locate her mother.

Shortly after this, Peterson is called to an archeological site where a body has been found.  It’s another murder case, albeit a four hundred year old one.

Everyone is shocked when the victim turns up in the police station alive!  So, who is the victim really?

Author Kate Ellis’ murder mystery has the reader guessing right up until the end.  A very good read, which had me caught up right from the very first page.  I am looking forward to reading this series.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Berlin Red

Inspector Pekkala has been called to Stalin’s office, where he is introduced to the local member of the British intelligence.  This officer wants his help in extricating one of their members from Berlin before the city collapses under the weight of the Russian invasion. The operative in question is none other than his fiancé, Lilya Somonova, who Pekkala hasn’t seen since 1917!

Pekkala gets further information from a British double agent who has returned to Moscow.  Major Kirov is also able to glean some information from a German POW.  It isn’t long before Stalin orders Pekkala and Kirov to Berlin to extract Simonova.  However, the British inform them that Hitler has assigned a special detective to root out whomever is relaying information from the bunker to the outside world.  Pekkala knows that Leopold Hunyadi is a ruthless detective.

Can Pekkala and Kirov get to Lilya before Hunyadi, or will the Allied bombers kill her?  Or will the Russian army reach Berlin first?

Berlin Red is author Sam Eastland’s final instalment in the Pekkala saga. Once again, it is a perfect thriller full of action and tension. The complete series is an excellent read.  I recommend the series be read.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Dark Clouds Shining

Former spy Jack McColl has just been sentenced to three years in jail for assaulting a police officer.  A few months later, his old boss, the chief of the Secret Service, Mansfield Cummings, offers him a pardon if he agrees to return to Russia to find out what his old nemesis, Aiden Bradley, is doing there for MI5.  McColl also wants to know if his former lover, Caitlin Hanley, is still there.

It isn’t long before the Cheka are on McColl’s tail.  As he was entering Russia, he and his Russian host killed a Cheka agent and injured another.  Fortunately he is provided with a new identity, and a job as a translator for a delegation from India. 

Suddenly McColl finds himself on the way to Tashkent with Komarov, deputy head of the Cheka and his former lover, Caitlin.  How will he get out of this entanglement?  The way the train makes progress, it is going to be a long trip.  Shortly after leaving Tashkent, McColl comes to the realisation that the Cheka know that he is a spy.

Will McColl come out of this alive, or will his plans be thwarted by Caitlin or Komarov?  Author David Downing’s thriller is just that, a thriller, full of action and suspense.  This book brings the Jack McColl series to a conclusion.  It was a very good series.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Ashes of London

It is 1066 and London is burning.  A body ha been found near St. Paul’s in the livery of Lord Alderley.  Master Williamson who works at Scotland Yard has ordered James Marwood to join him in taking the news of the death of his servant to Alderley.  Williamson then assigns Marwood to investigate the death.

Six weeks later another body is found, having been killed in the same manner as the first.  Marwood is sent to investigate this one, too.  He is also persuaded to search for the missing niece of Alderley.  His search takes him to Harwich, where he is poisoned. Marwood survives, but finds that Alderley has sold his niece, Cat’s inheritance.  His new knowledge puts him under the auspices of Chaffinch, who is a confidant of the king.  Marwood does not like the situation.

The king wants Marwood's help in finding one of the men responsible for the execution of his father, a Thomas Lovett, who is the father of Alderley’s niece.  Can Marwood find the niece and her father and bring them before the king so that he can have his retribution?

Author Andrew Taylor’s historical novel is a combined thriller, spy novel and murder mystery all woven together to make a brilliant read.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to reading the sequel.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

A Taste for Vengeance

Bruno, chief of police for St. Denis, has been asked by a friend to check into the whereabouts of an English guest of hers who was supposed to show up for a week long cooking class.  The following day, Bruno is appointed head of police for the entire district. 

That same day he also receives information about a crime scene where the missing woman has been found, stabbed to death.  The man she was with is found nearby hanging from a tree.  Murder-suicide or a double murder?

Meeting with his new subordinates, Bruno learns that the husband of the woman who was killed is in a cancer treatment hospital in the U. S., and the male victim is not who he seemed to be.  Bruno also receives information from a good friend that is an ex-intelligence officer from Britain, that the dead man had assumed the identity of a dead intelligence officer.  He presents the possibility that ex-IRA men are trying to exact vengeance for something that happened in the past.

Can the counter-terrorism group and Bruno prevent the IRA from exacting their revenge?  This is likely one of author Martin Walker’s most exciting thrillers in this series.  A thoroughly enjoyable page turner, which I found hard to put down.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

God of Vengeance

Seventeen year old Sigurd’s father, Harald and two brothers have been involved in a naval battle, which featured treachery on the part of King Gorm.  What are the survivors to do now?  Gorm promises silver and a renewal of oaths afterwards, only to once again treacherously attack Harald and his men.  Only Sigurd would survive the battle.

When Sigurd returns to his home, he finds devastation; his mother has been killed along with several others, and his sister Runa has been taken as a slave.  He is left hopeless. With six survivors, Sigurd begins a new chapter in his life.

Their first task will be to rescue Runa.  It will not be easy.  Sigurd also finds out that Gorm is looking for him so that he can kill him.  Sigurd needs to build up an army and a fleet if he wants to take vengeance on Gorm, and rescue Runa.

The first addition is a thrall that fights spectacularly.  This is his wolf; his hawk is a shield maiden, but she costs Sigurd a man.  However, before long, Sigurd has a small band of men swearing an oath to him.

Will that small band be enough to rescue Runa and avenge their father and brothers?  Author Giles Kristian’ historical novel is full of action and plenty of challenges for Sigurd’s small band.  A novel, which is a page turner and hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the two sequels.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Matthew Hawkwood is a Bow Street Runner, and a very successful one at that.  He has been asked by his boss, Chief Magistrate Read to investigate a deadly highway robbery.  Part of his remit is to find a naval message, which was taken during the robbery.

To begin getting information, Hawkwood is going to have travel to the underbelly of London and meet with his old sergeant, Nathaniel Jago.  That doesn’t prevent him from seeing the arrogance and wealth of the upper crust of society.  It is through the latter that he meets Catherine de Varesne; a young woman who had lost her father to the guillotine.  She had escaped to Portugal with her mother before her father was killed.

Hawkwood finds another case heaped upon his plate when another Runner is found dead upon the banks of the Thames.  When Hawkwood receives the dead Runner’s baton, he discovers the plans for some sort of clockwork mechanism inside.  It turns out that that these were what the dead naval officer was carrying.  It isn’t long before Hawkwood is taken into a secret naval meeting to have things explained, but where does this leave the investigation?

Author James McGee’s historical thriller is exciting from the first page right through to the last.  Based on historical facts and using literary license, McGee has meshed them together into a rollicking good read, which was hard to put down.  I can hardly wait to get my hands on the sequels.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Gallows Drop

DCI Kate Daniels is at the scene of a hanging.  Unfortunately she isn’t going to be the Senior Investigating Officer; DCI James Atkins is, and they have history.  Despite being about to go no leave, Daniels begins her investigation with her DS, Hank Gormley.

Finally a witness steps forward on the day before Daniels is to go on leave.  It is Atkins’ daughter.  Once Superintendent Bright hears that Atkins has a conflict of interest, he removes him from the case.  Atkins promises himself that he will deal with Daniels as a result of her being given the case over him.

The case takes a twist when the friend of the first victim is found hanging in a nearby forest.  This time there is a note with the body.

A problem later arises when Daniels receives the final pathology report.  The cause of death isn’t as they had suspected, so their supposed criminals could get off a murder charge.  The team needs more evidence.

How will they put their case together without evidence?  Author Mari Hannah’s thriller gets even more thrilling as the reader turns the pages towards a very exciting conclusion.  This book was hard to put down, leaving the reader wanting to pick up the sequel.

Friday, August 24, 2018

The Death of Robin Hood

Having recently signed the Magna Carta, King John has decided that he doesn’t need to take orders from rebel barons, so he has recruited soldiers from across the channel to come to his aid in putting them in their place.

It is at this time Alan Dale hears rumours that some people want to offer the throne to the French king.  He is sent by Robin, Lord Locksley, to London to beg reinforcements to stop the siege of Rochester.  Unfortunately he fails to get them.  He returns to inform those within the besieged castle.  How long can they hold out?

It isn’t long, Alan is injured when part of the keep collapses due to mining underneath it.  Now King John can do as he pleases with his prisoners. Fortunately he is persuaded to not kill nor mutilate them.  Not long after being imprisoned in Corfe Castle, the French, under Prince Louis invade.  Robin once again swears fealty to King John, bringing his men with him.

However, the following autumn, when King John died, apparently of dysentery, what were the people to do.  Robin and Alan realise that their loyalty now lies with the child, Henry III.  However, the war in England has not gone away with the crowning of a new king.

Author Angus Donald has plenty of action in the final chapters as the English fight for a new king and the hope of peace.  This ends the story of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men.  All books by the author in this series were thoroughly enjoyable.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Templars' Last Secret

Bruno Courreges, chief of police for St. Denis, is just about to head to work when he receives a call about the death of a woman at the base of a cliff.  Did she fall or was she pushed?  The local count is concerned about Templar enthusiasts, but upon seeing the body, suggests that it was posed.  He then shows Bruno a photo of a local ancient statue that had been found in the area; it shows the same exact pose.

Later in the day, Bruno finds that he has had a bureaucrat from Paris foisted upon him.  The woman Amelie, is actually able to help him a bit with puzzling graffiti, which the dead woman had been spray painting on the cliff wall.  She also is a help when it comes to identifying the dead woman.  There seems to be a connection to Israel.

Not long after that, Bruno is informed that the Mossad and Shin Bet are interested in the woman.  It isn’t long before the search is expanded and results begin to pour in; all unbeknownst to Bruno.  It turns out that there were four others with the dead woman and they are terrorists.  The search begins.

Author Martin Walker has plenty of action awaiting the reader, interspersed with periods of calm as Bruno prepares for the wedding of two close friends.  A very good read, which was hard to put down.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Masterpiece of Corruption

John Grey is at his studies when a mysterious message is handed to him, inviting him to a meeting.  When he attends the meeting, he is surprised to find that the invitation was actually for his father, and the other two at the meeting think that he is going to assassinate the Lord Protector, Cromwell.

Grey approaches the Secret Service, and Secretary Thurloe assigns Grey the task of finding the assassin who is the backup plan should his own fail.  His subterfuge is muddled by Aminta Clifford showing up at his place.  She claims to be his cousin, although she isn’t.  He also begins his work at the court of Cromwell.

It isn’t long before he meets Cromwell in person.  Cromwell orders him to continue the deception in hopes they can find who truly wants to murder Cromwell.  Grey slips into the role of double agent quite uncomfortably. Agents of the enemy become suspicious of him, so he is arrested and thrown in The Tower.  Sometime later he is broken out of jail and sent off to Brussels on behalf of the enemy, yet against his own gut feeling.

Author L. C. Tyler’s novel is full of intrigue, double and triple crosses.  One wonders who Grey should put his trust in.  I quite enjoyed the read, and look forward to reading the sequel when it is available.

Friday, August 17, 2018


Captain Thomas Kydd and his ship, the L’ Aurore, have just arrived in Barbados in the hopes of gaining reinforcements for the fleet in Buenos Aires.  Admiral Cochrane tells him that he is too late; reinforcements from England have already passed through.  Since Kydd and his ship are no longer needed to the south, the admiral attaches him to his fleet.

The purpose of the fleet was to prevent the French from taking control of any of the British islands.  While on singular patrol, they hear explosions.  Sailing rapidly to the sound they find nothing, but hear a massive explosion.  Coming to the site of it, they see nothing, but find a single sailor hanging onto a piece of wood.  Suddenly Kydd realises that there is a volcano below them about to explode!

After a few patrols out of Barbados, the L’ Aurore is sent to join the fleet at Jamaica.  Kydd is quite excited about the prospect of working out of Jamaica.  He finds out that his task will be to take on privateers.  With that comes the possibility of prize money.  One privateer that they capture is made into a tender for the L’ Aurore and thereby will help in their assignment.

Napoleon’s decree against trade has the sugar plantation owners in a dither.  How will they ever sell their sugar now?  Desperate, ships still sail, only to be picked off by a couple of French frigates.  L’ Aurore, in conjunction with the Anson, is tasked with putting an end to the Frenchies.  Although successful on this occasion, the French still are causing consternation.  What to do?

Kydd’s private secretary and good friend, Nicholas Renzi has an idea, but can he ferret out the necessary information?  Only author Julian Stockwin has the answer to that question.  He has crafted another swashbuckling historical naval thriller.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.  I look forward to the sequels.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Orm has brought Crowbone a bundle of silver, telling him that he wants him to get a ship and crew together.  Orm also tells Crowbone to stay safe, for he is the future King if Norway.  On the trip, Crowbone learns that there is a special message awaiting him on Mann.

Little does he know that there are others in search of this enigmatic message.  A chance meeting with a dying man leads to Crowbone gaining another crew and ship.  All become Oathsworn, however some of the new men are Christian who don’t like the Odin oath, but do swear to be Crowbone’s men in the faith of Christ.

Crowbone later learns that the man who set the story in motion was a priest from Orm’s past.  He also knew the priest and knew that he was a trouble maker.  But, Crowbone wondered, could he still trust Orm?

The Oathsworn’s luck turns for the worse when during a storm, their boat is badly damaged while landing.  Fortunately they land in Ireland and are taken to the High King, with whom they make a good connection.  They help him in battle.  After winning the battle, Crowbone is granted ships and men to crew them so that he can continue his quest.

On their way in search of Crowbone’s quest, they are joined by a priest who is determined to convert Crowbone to Christianity. 

What do Crowbone’s actions as he progresses on his quest have to do with his future?  Will he resolve his differences with Orm?  You must read on to find out.  Robert Low’s historical thriller is based on fact and Viking legend and is a thoroughly entertaining read.  I found it hard to put down.  This is the last of the Oathsworn series.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Salt Lane

DS Alex Cupidi has just been on TV requesting the public’s help in identifying a woman found dead in a canal in Kent.  The following morning they have an identity.  Cupidi and DC Jill Ferriter travel to London to inform the son.  They are shocked and confused when the son tells them that his mother had stayed with them the night before.

On the way back they are sent to a farm where a body has been found on a slurry pit.  The police now have two murder cases on their hands.  It turns out that the second victim was an illegal immigrant.

With the body in the canal in mind, Cupidi checks with the Drainage Board to find out how far the body could have floated.  She finds out it wouldn’t have.  Someone with local knowledge knew that where the body was found, was a quiet area.

As the investigation progresses, Cupidi learns more about illegal immigrants, and what they will do to stay.  When a third body turns up, Cupidi and Ferriter are sure there is a connection.

William Shaw’s latest thriller is fast paced, full of action and definitely hard to put down.  This page turner kept me engaged throughout.  I can hardly wait to read the sequel.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Prow Beast

Young Crowbone has come to visit Orm and his few Oathsworn at Hestreng.  Crowbone is now known as Olaf Tryggvasson, Prince of Norway.  Crowbone warns Orm of Randr Sterki, who plans revenge on both of them.  Orm doesn’t want to fight.

Not long after Crowbone’s visit, Jarl Brand brings his son for Orm to foster.  It is a significant recognition of Orm’s status.  Also with Brand was Queen Sigurth, pregnant and very demanding.  She was returning to be with King Eirik.  The day after news arrives indicating that Brand’s home has been raided.  Brand plans to hurry to the king, and fight for him.  However, that means leaving Sigurth with Orm.

Orm sends his community up into the mountains and prepares to do battle with Randr Sterki.  When Sterki attacks, he brings Roman Fire, which destroys Orm’s boat.  Orm and his friend Finn barely survive, but what of their community?  Fortunately they have escaped and Orm and Finn make it back to them.  Then comes the realisation that Sterki is working to not just destroy Orm, but also to ensure that Sigurth doesn’t survive nor produce a son who would be heir before King Eirik’s original heir, Styrbjorn.

Now the community must struggle to get to safety.  They will be set upon by their enemies several times.  Fortunately Sigurth gives birth to a healthy son, to be named Olaf.  It is at this time that Orm’s fostering was kidnapped.  Can Orm and his community survive the attacks and get the boy back?

Once again, author Robert Low, has provided the reader with a rollicking tale of adventure, action and death based on stories of Viking life.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Red Icon

In 1915, Tsar Nicholas gave Inspector Pekkala the task of convincing Rasputin not to take the Russian icon “The Shepherd”, otherwise the Russian people might see it as a bad thing for Russia.  Rasputin, in turn must convince the Tsarina he shouldn’t take it.

However, Rasputin already has it in his possession, and it isn’t long after that that the Tsarina tells Pekkala that the icon is missing.  She also doesn’t want Pekkala investigating it.  Before long, a priest steps forward and admits to stealing the icon and burning it.  The tsar then tells Pekkala that the case is closed.

Thirty years later, two Russian soldiers find the icon in a coffin when they take refuge in a church in Germany.  Stalin wants to know how it came to be there and if it truly is the original icon.  An art historian confirms that it is the original.  Now Pekkala and his helper, Major Kirov need to delve further into the mystery.

They travel to a prison far to the east to interview the priest who claimed to have destroyed the icon.  He tells them the true tale of what he did with it.  Pekkala now wants to know what happened in the intervening years.

Pekkala begins his quest in Finland; there he finds some answers.  Back from Finland, Pekkala and Kirov are called back to the priest’s prison because he has been poisoned by some unknown poison.  It had come in a package he had assumed was from Pekkala.

How deadly is the poison and can Pekkala and Kirov find the icon before more of the deadly poison is utilised?  Author Sam Eastland‘ slate at thriller is fast paced and intriguing.  It was hard to put down and thoroughly enjoyable.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The White Raven

Orm and the Oathsworn are back home awaiting the completion of their new ship, Fjord Elk.  They are getting itchy feet, wanting to go raiding again.  When a neighbouring farm is attacked, it is agreed that retribution is necessary.

The first place they attack is Klerkon’s settlement, the leader who had raided their neighbour.  Here they find a boy who claims to be a prince.  Klerkon has named him Crowbone, but Crowbone shows the Oathsworn where to find Klerkon’s gold.  The group moves on to Novgorod as it gets colder.  Their they meet up with a young former companion who is studying business.  Jon takes Orm to meet his old nemesis, Martin.

While in Novgorod, Crowbone kills a man, resulting in the arrest of him and the Oathsworn who were with him at the time.  Fortunately their confinement isn’t long and they are freed, however they must now help the local prince gain a cache of silver that only Orm knows the way to.

It is a very bitter cold through which the group travels.  Crowbone and Orm are taken by treachery away from their companions.  Fortunately for them, they are rescued not long afterwards.  As the group treks on towards their goal, the bitter cold takes their horses and some of the men.  In their weakened state they are attacked by a group of Men Haters.  They manage to survive that and trek on.

However, will they survive the cold and treachery that awaits them?  Author Robert Low’s tale is based on factual events and is told in an exciting fashion.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, which I found hard to put down.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Dark Angel

Ruth Galloway has been invited to investigate some mysterious bones in Italy by a renowned Italian archaeologist, Angelo Morelli.  It is perfect timing for her to get away for a bit of a holiday with her daughter, Kate.

When Ruth arrives in Italy, Morelli explains his dilemma; the skeleton had been found intact, but when Morelli was about to unveil it, his phone rang.  Moments later another phone rang, this time the phone was found buried in the skeleton’s hand!

Morelli admits to Ruth that Italians don’t want to find another Roman burial; they have enough of them.  He then shockingly tells her that he thinks someone is trying to kill him.

The following Sunday, Ruth is with the mother of Morelli when they discover the local priest in the church.  He has been murdered.  Ruth mentions to the local police chief an odd thing about the death, which is similar to what was discovered with the skeleton.  It is the following day when DCI Nelson shows up.  He has come because of his concern for Ruth and Kate following an earthquake in Italy.

It is Nelson’s suggestion to the local chief of police that allows the prime suspect for the murder of the priest to go free.  So then, who could the killer be?

Elly Griffith’s novel has a very exciting conclusion with some surprises in store for the reader.  Although the setting up of the conclusion is slowly building anticipation, the final chapters are hard hitting.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.